Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yahoo!'s inconsistent advertising policies.

So I am trying to advertise Triplejack in Yahoo! and as expected, they deny my listing thinking that Triplejack is gambling related. Since it is not, it is a free poker game with no real money wagering, I go through the whole song and dance about why it is not gambling and so on and it is free and so on... The same story I gave to Google and Google said oh yeah, makes sense and approved our listings.

Yahoo! on the other hand has done no such thing. After talking to 4 different peons and 2 so-called supervisors, they still insist that Triplejack can not advertise in Yahoo! because of their gambling pilicies. The problem here is, that there are at least 4 or 5 other poker game sites advertised in Yahoo! and most of them are pay sites, not even free.

So what is the deal here? Is Yahoo! that dis-organized that they don't even know their own policies? Who approved the other ad listings?

I continue by telling them they can not get rid of me that easily. As long as those other sites are listed, I will continue to contact them daily to plead my case.

So here we go:

Day 1: Supervisor - Chris Santino

"I am sorry, but I can not approve your listing because your site is a gambling web site. Blah blah blah, Our site is free. blah, blah bla, It does not matter, poker is gambling so we can not list it. I go on to ask why the other sites are there, he goes on to tell me he will look into it."

Day 2: Supervisor - Amanda Vaughn

"Pretty much the same as above, except she thanks me for providing the information I provided the previous day and tells me that although she can not share any information about other advertisers, they will look into it and deal with it appropriately. She goes on to apologize for not being able to list our 'gambling' web site, even though it is free"

This is tiring stuff.

Will update shortly.

Day 3: Supervisor - Chris Santino

Today I waited on hold for 10 minutes while someone tried to figure out who Chris Santino is. For a while I was afriad he was a fictitious character made up to throw me off, but she supposedly found him and threw me into his voicemail. I left a friendly message just touching base with him about my situation and asked for a call back at his earliest convenience.

Until tomorrow...

Comments welcome. I am curious if others have had difficulty like this.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Killer hand

I just had to post this killer hand... and on the first hand of the tournament.